Dr. Dajana Todorović
Principal Research Fellow
Dr. Dajana Todorović
Dajana Todorović, Principal Research Fellow, graduated at University of Belgrade (UB) - Faculty of Biology in 1999. She defended her Master's thesis at the same Faculty in 2007 and her PhD thesis in 2013. From 2000 to 2003 she worked at the Department of Biology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UB. Since 2003, she has been employed at the Department of Insect Physiology and Biochemistry, Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković", National Institute of the Republic of Serbia.
Her scientific research covers the fields of magnetobiology, physiology and biochemistry of insects. She studies the acute/chronic effects of physical and chemical stressors on the components of their important protective systems. He is involved in research into biodiversity and the biomonitoring of ecosystems that have been damaged by anthropogenic influences. Since 2000, she has actively participated in 6 research projects of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, in projects related to biodiversity studies and bilateral Serbia-France project for the 2018-2019 cycle (partner: Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale, Montpellier). In the period from 2022 to 2023, she has been an associate in the projects "EU for green agenda in Serbia" and "Reducing the carbon footprint of local communities by applying the principles of the circular economy in the Republic of Serbia – Circular Communities" (implemented by UNDP) – the awarded projects concern the use of insects as animal feed and for biodegradation of waste.
She participated in projects to promote science (Science Festival 2009, Brain Awareness Week 2009, Researchers' Night 2014, International Fair of Techniques and Technical Achievements 2023).
She was a mentor of one defended doctoral dissertation and a one of undergraduate thesis, as well as a reviewer for monographs and articles in leading scientific journals.
In period 1999-2000, she was a scholarship holder of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Serbia for talented students.
She is a member of: European BioElectromagnetics Association, Federation of European Neuroscience Societies, European Toxicologists & European Societies of Toxicology, International Union of Toxicology, Serbian Biological Society, Entomological Society of Serbia, Biophysical Society of Serbia, Serbian Neuroscience Society and Association of Toxicologists of Serbia.