Dr. Dijana Krstić Milošević
Principal Research Fellow
Dr. Dijana Krstić Milošević
2021 - current Principal Research Fellow
2008. - Ph.D. in Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade
1998. - M.Sc. in Biology, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
1994. - B.Sc. in Biochemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade
Research areas
- Aromatic and medicinal plants
- Chemistry of natural compounds
- Gentiana and Gentianella species
- Plant biotechnology
Skills and techniques
- Chemical characterization of medicinal plants using analytical techniques such as UV/VIS and HPLC
- Isolation of the biologically active compounds from medicinal plants (polyphenolic compounds)
- Analysis of secondary metabolites from plants cultured in vitro (phenolic acids, flavonoids, xanthones, iridoids)
Participation in projects
- 2006-2010. The role of redox active substances in the maintenance of homeostasis (143034B), supported by Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection, Republic of Serbia.
- 2006-2010. Biomedical investigations and development of some new psychotropic substances (143032), supported by Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection, Republic of Serbia.
- 2006-2010. The regulation of morphogenetic processes and secondary metabolism and genetic transformations of plants under in vitro conditions (143026В), supported by the Ministry of Science, Republic of Serbia.
- 2011-2019. Biotechnology in vitro – crop, medicinal and endangered plant species (173015), supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia .
- 2011- 2019. Biological mechanisms, nutritional intake and status of polyunsaturated fatty acids and folate: improving nutrition in Serbia (III41030), Innovation project financed by Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development
- 2008–2010. Bilateral project between Slovenia and Serbia: Comparison of different model systems of antioxidant activity of plant extracts.
- 2018-2019. Bilateral project between Slovenia and Serbia: In vitro propagation and conservation of endangered Gentiana and Gentianella species for sustainable supply of planting materials and bioactive secondary metabolites.