Dr. Milana Trifunović-Momčilov
Principal Research Fellow
Dr. Milana Trifunović-Momčilov
Education levels:
• Ph.D., Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, 2012
• B.Sc., Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, 2003
Academic career:
• Junior researcher, 2003
• Research assistant, 2008
• Assistant research professor, 2013
• Associate research professor, 2017
• Full research professor, 2022
Research area:
• Physiology, molecular biology and plant biotechnology
• Regeneration of endemic, endangered and ornamental plant species through the processes of somatic embryogenesis and organogenesis in vitro
• Plant stress physiology including the evaluation of morpho-physiological, biochemical and molecular alterations, as a result of abiotic factors (salt stress and drought)
Study visits abroad:
• During 2010, dr Milana Trifunović Momčilov was on a one-month scientific visit to the Institute National d'Horticulture et de Paysage UMR GENHORT (INHP/INRA/UA), Maître de conférences en Horticulture Ornementale AGROCAMPUS OUEST, Angers, France, financed by COST action 871.
• During previous research work (2003-2019), dr Milana Trifunović Momčilov participated in four national projects. Three projects were from the field of basic research, while one project belonged to the field of technological development. All the mentioned projects were financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia.
• In addition, dr Milana Trifunović Momčilov participated in a bilateral scientific research project realized between the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Croatia (2011/2012), as well as a scientific study that was realized in cooperation between IBISS and the company Zepter International doo (2019).
• During the previous years, as well as currently, dr Milana Trifunović Momčilov manages project tasks within the framework of the IBISS Agreement with the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia.
Memberships in scientific societies:
• Serbian Biological Society (SBD)
• Serbian Plant Physiology Society (DFBS)
• Federation of European Societies of Plant Biology (FESPB)
• International Association for Plant Biotechnology (IAPB)
• International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS)