Dr. Slađana Jevremović
Principal Research Fellow
Dr. Slađana Jevremović
2007 Ph.D., Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade,
1998 M.Sci., Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
1994 B. Sci., Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
Academic carrier:
2016 - Full Research Professor, plant biotechnology,IBISS
2012-2016 Senior Research Associate, IBISS
2008-2012 Research Associate, IBISS
1998-2008 Research Assistant, IBISS
1994-1998 Junior assistant, IBISS
Research areas:
Plant biology, regeneration in vitro (micropropagation, somatic embryogenesis, androgenesis) of ornamental, medicinal and woody plants, abiotic and biotic stress, virus free plants, genetic transformation, plant cryopreservation
International training schools and visits:
2023 Cukurova University Technopolis, Adana, Turkey, Temporary immersion bioreactors for mass production: opportunities and pitfalls, training school
2010 IPK Gatersleben, Germany, Plant Epigenetics, summer school
2008 IVALSA (Valorizzazione del Legno e delle Specie Arboree National Research Council), CNR, Sesto Fiorentino, Florence. Short term scientific mission, COST action 871 (Development of cryopreservation procedures for Iris spp.), one month
2003 C.R.A Wallonie, Station des cultures frutières et maraîchères Gembloux, Belgium (Androgenesis of Prunus sp.), two months
2002 C.R.A. Wallonie, Gembloux, Belgium (Androgenesis of Prunus sp.), two months.
2020- Manages project tasks within the framework of the IBISS Agreement with the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia.
1994-2019 Participate in nine projects in area of fundamental and technological research, funded by relevant Ministry of Education and Science, one bilateral project with Croatia, one project funded by Belgrade City Council and one funded by Zepter International company.
COST action CA21157 “European Network for innovative Woody Plant Cloning, COPYTREE
COST action 871 “Cryopreservation of crop species in Europe”, MC member
The International Association for Plant Biotechnology (IAPB)
Federation of European Societies of Plant Physiology (FESPP)
International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS)
Serbian Society of Plant Physiology (SSPP)
Serbian Society for Biology (SSB)